We want all children and young people to develop a sense of belonging as a citizen of their capital city.

To get involved, we ask that anything you have experienced within Cardiff be recorded via the process below. You can write about it or send us in a picture.

You may have visited Cardiff Bay, your local leisure centre, walked with friends and family through Bute Park, you may have even attended a show or sporting event in one of Cardiff’s world class amenities - Let us know all about it!

Our map of Cardiff shows key locations in our city. These could be a starting point to explore the city centre.

Map of Cardiff

get involved cardiff


To get you started we are running a competition for those who use the map and visit these key locations.

Competition will run from October until April 1st 2024.


2 locations = Passport to the City goody bag x 15

5 locations = BBC Microbit kits x 10

7 locations = Surprise gift x 10

All locations = Lego Spike/Mindstorm coding box x 3

All entries via the form below will go into a prize draw on April 1st 2024.



The whole team really appreciate your support, it was an inspiring and memorable evening!

Candice Dyer
Senior Youth Worker

‘These sessions also definitely helped sharpen my social skills again and I’m glad to be going out and making some new friends again.’

Young person
Young person

"Thank you so much it was a memory we will never forget"


'I am most impressed with how this programme is allowing for genuine pupil voice.'

Kim Fisher

‘Our families loved this opportunity.'

Bec Baston
Deputy Headteacher

'What a fantastic experience for our children. Helped bring the curriculum to life.'

Rachel Woodward