Experiencing the joy of music, in all its forms, should be at the heart of every school and setting. We want children and young people from Wales to have opportunities to play, sing, take part in and create music, in our schools and settings, as well as in our communities.”

(National Music Plan for Wales)

  • Our aim is that Little Gigs will give every young person in Cardiff the chance to contribute their unique musical talents.
  • Little Gigs will also allow our future producers and promoters the opportunity to perform or work backstage.
  • Little Gigs will encourage children and young people to explore various musical genres, instruments, and techniques, promoting a lifelong passion for music.

Come and join us in our new venture called ‘Little Gigs’!

An exciting opportunity for you to show your talent!

Do you sing? Play an instrument? Are you in a band? A rapper? Do you enjoy being a Dj? Do you write your own songs?

Whatever your talent we want to see it!

Follow the link below and get recording!!


https://docs.google.com/forms/d/18z52-U_N4srVg3I8c2BO-tARVuIfYzafQ8JQORTLMmU/edit (English)


https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1H2uCBlxfXq4vzmNRmwGIEA8xYMl-sqQ1mei_EueX8SE/edit (Cymraeg)