Ni fyddem yn gallu darparu cymaint o brofiadau heb gefnogaeth ein partneriaid yn y ddinas.

Gallwn hyrwyddo cyfleoedd a phrofiadau i blant a phobl ifanc drwy ein gwefan neu sianeli cyfryngau cymdeithasol eraill am ddim!

Os ydych eisiau gweithio gyda phlant a phobl ifanc, gallwn weithio'n agos gyda phartneriaid i ddatblygu adnoddau, profiadau a chyfleoedd pwrpasol ar y cyd.

Os ydych yn bartner yn y ddinas ac eisiau cymryd rhan, cysylltwch â'r tîm i ddarganfod mwy:

neu cwblhewch y broses gofrestru isod.


Cofrestru i fod yn partner!


Sign-up Process

To be able to add your organisations offerings to Passport to the City website, please complete the following:


Parternship Agreement Terms

In this section you are agreeing to each of the partnership terms outlined below:

'Fantastic opportunities lay ahead.'

Carla Price
Senior Learning Officer St Fagans Museum

'What a fantastic experience for our children. Helped bring the curriculum to life.'

Rachel Woodward

‘Our families loved this opportunity.'

Bec Baston
Deputy Headteacher

‘The sessions were incredible! The young people really engaged, absolutely loved it and came out of their comfort zone. It was something they have wanted to do for a long time and for that to be their first ever experience I think is wonderful.’

Sarah McCreadie
Digital Youth Worker

The whole team really appreciate your support, it was an inspiring and memorable evening!

Candice Dyer
Senior Youth Worker

‘These sessions also definitely helped sharpen my social skills again and I’m glad to be going out and making some new friends again.’

Young person
Young person